Adam's County Website Redesign Project

Mockup of my website design for Adam's County
This project was about redesigning an actual website that was in desperate need of an update. Parameters included providing a way to find information about taking a written driver's test, locating the user's voter precinct, finding a photo gallery of Adam's County history, and being able to do a general search.
I studied award winning government websites to learn how the best ones work. I learned that organizing information by action as in the icons in the navigation bar, by common searches such as in the list in the left sidebar, and by time and season in the teaser boxes in the center column make it easy for a visitor to find what they are looking for. Having multiple ways to find the same information gives them more opportunities to run into the thing they want. Large teaser boxes with ample white space help create space between bits of info and help the user focus on one thing at a time.
A few screens showing how the site would respond to a small screen device were also required. Click on the mobile prototype link or scroll to see the mobile version.

Homepage - Footer links are categorizes to reduce clutter. Carats indicate that there is more information accessible by clicking.

Residents landing page opens on click of the Residents icon. Information useful to residents of the county would be displayed here, with most common requests showing at the top.

The Historical photo gallery can be found by clicking on the link displayed on the home page or by clicking the footer County History link.

Precinct search results page displays the user's precinct, polling place address, and other relevant links.
Mobile Design
Websites must be responsive to be anything. Navigation is consolidated into a hamburger menu icon. Links are shown in a smaller format, but still retain the look of the desktop site.